Photo Enlarger
Photo Filters
Photo Collage
Strip Background
Poster Maker
Photo Resizer

Annotate image

Annotate an image with text, shapes and icons. Draw on the image or blur parts of the image. Crop or resize an image and save your image.

Annotate image

Drop the image file you want to annotate here, or click browse to select one.

Files you select here are not sent to our server.

[Ctrl] O
Open image file
[Ctrl] S
Save annotated image file
Cancel current operation
[Ctrl] Z
[Ctrl] Y
[Ctrl] C
Copy object
[Ctrl] V
Paste object
◄ ▲ ▼ ►
Move object
[Ctrl] ◄ ►
Rotate object
B Shift B
Send backwards / to back
F Shift F
Bring forward / to front
Delete object
Shift X
Flip object horizontally
Shift Y
Flip object vertically